In addition to the Sunday morning worship services, other worship services are held to commemorate festivals and seasons of the Church Year. 


To mark Lent at Calvary, additional worship services will be held during the weeks of that season:

March 5 – Ash Wednesday

Divine Services with the Imposition of Ashes will be held at 10:30 am and 7:00pm. These services mark the start of our congregation’s observances of Lent.

March 12, March 19, March 26, April 2, April 9 – Wednesdays in Lent

Prayer offices will be held at 10:30am and 7:00pm. These Lent Midweek Prayer Offices will focus on the Passion Narrative recorded in the Gospel of Luke.

April 17 – Holy Thursday

Divine Services will be held at 12::00pm and 7:00pm. These services commemorate Christ’s institution of the Sacrament of the Altar. They also mark the beginning of the Holy Triduum. Stripping of the Chancel will be done at the conclusion of the 7:00pm Divine Service that day.

April 18 – Good Friday

The Chief Service for Good Friday will be held at 12:00pm. Good Friday Tenebrae Vespers will be held at 7:00pm. Both services commemorate Christ’s sacrificial death for the salvation of mankind. 

April 19 – Holy Vigil of Easter

The transition from Lent to Easter takes place during this evening service that starts at 7:00pm. One of the most ornate services of the Church Year, the Easter Vigil recalls the LORD’s actions to deliver His people in the Old Testament that points to the great salvation accomplished through the resurrection of the Crucified Christ. A reception for worshipers is held following the conclusion of the Vigil service.

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